Monday, January 30, 2006

Fired Happy Hour

Well I haven't been completely idle while unemployed. hehe I just signed up for a Conversational French 1 class at Alverno. So now my Monday nights have class. I'm hoping this helps me pronounce the words I've been learning on my own. It should also get me back into wanting to learn more French.

Since there were so many JWI folks fired last Monday, some of the folks that are no longer at JWI, are getting together with current folks to keep the connections and keep updated on what is going on while not working. The gathering is at Houlihans at 5:30. Come if you want to just chat and drink.

Prior to this there will be a get together at Potawanomie around 3p for nickel slot fun. If you're free, come on down and hang with a few of us before eating and drinking.

Other than that, things are coming together as far as the stolen cards. Bank has been pretty cool and has dome some crediting. I suspect that I will have to wait until my Jan statement to see what the thief all charged.

Stay in touch folks, as I still read my email about every other day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Death of a star

Just learned this morning that actor Chris Penn died yesterday in his home. It's too bad that he's gone. I found him pretty funny in Starsky and Hutch in the towel scene.

Since being off, it's been a ton of fun doing whatever I want whenever I want, I was able to head to Chicago last week Wednesday with my friend Jen. She had to go down for work, some buyer market trade show thing going on, so she wanted some company. I went since it wasn't going to cost much to be down there. I couldn't have been more wrong. Thursday early evening, Jen and I went to Starbucks to wait for our friend to finish work.

While chatting away at Starbucks, debit card, driver's license and other cards were stolen out of my purse. The person just reached in and grabbed the stash. So after canceling everything Friday and Saturday, getting replacements hasn't been so bad. I thought the experience would be more tragic but it hasn't been yet.

The bank actually noticed the odd transactions and put a hold on the card right away. However, Capitol One waited until I reported the card stolen before calling me about the fraudulent charges. Must be rocket scientist working there. Yikes! Now I just have to wait about two months to see if identity theft took place. Good thing I printed my credit report in December. (hint: you should probably get yours before something bad happens or to prevent something bad happening.)

Other news: the company I used to work for let go another 10 folks. I hear there will be more head chopping to come. Not cool. Especially since they were touting how well they were doing in 2k5. They even purchased one 41" or 42" plasma TV and one 45" plasma LCD for the office lobby and break room, respectively. I say sell the useless equipment. They have a satellite connection so of course, yesterday it was completely useless. Then again when it snowed it was useless too. I know cause I was about the only one that would turn the LCD and try to watch some show during my free hour.

Still looking for a job but not too worried just yet. Actually the cats get a bit upset when I'm gone even for a couple of hours. It's really cute. They have been really adorable.

If your feeling up to it, hit Planet this Friday and join my on the dance floor or at one of the stools near the bar.

Well enjoy your day at your crummy job, cause I'm enjoying my relaxing/nap time. :)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The job hunt

Well the unexpected break has been nice and pretty much deserved. I've had a few naps now and again but not on a daily basis. It's nice to just relax and kinda "clean up" the apt. I've been going through some of the magazines that I have here and articles that I've ripped out to eventually read. I can say the stack is pretty high but I don't mind. I've been looking but not pounding the pavement too hard. Some friends have been helping out with what is going on at their places of employment. Also been checking out Craigslist

Something of interest in a mag I recently that might come in handy for some others. ;) It's been interesting read. It's also interesting to find out how some companies treat their employees.

Tuesday the 10th was a fun day. I had lunch with my friend John at Oscars. I pulled the bonehead move of going to the wrong one. I was so blonde that day. I did eventually met up with him. I then headed over to Brookfield Square to return some items and do a bit of shopping. Why not? I had $100 in gift certs for the mall. Picked up a couple of shirts, mostly for play and not work. :( Hit Kohls to return an item and with a gift cert from there picked up a clock I've wanted for awhile now. Plugged it in Thursday and it's been great to sleep to the last few nights. Recommend it for everyone.

Thursday I spent most of the afternoon in the Emergency Room with the G-folks. G-mom wanted to see a doctor but not hers AND didn't want to wait until next Friday when she had an appointment. She didn't understand that tube infected bronchitis is pretty bad and will take about 3 weeks to get over. Longer for her since she was a smoker and a diabetic.

Well today I "watched" the music of Lord of the Rings and a behind the scenes type of DVD of Narnia. Narnia one was pretty cool since it takes you to the WETA workshop where they make all the cool blades and characters for the movie. It also had a clip on the music used in Narnia.

Well have fun everyone and get out there!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Granted it's a few days after the new year but yeah I haven't had a chance to post. Been a bit busy with work and reading/cleaning up the apt.

New Year's was hanging at Planet Friday the 30th and then again on the 31st. It was great to start the drinking binge on the 29th. Kept the alcohol levels up for the three nights. That was pretty cool!

On New Year's Eve my friend Jen and I went to Oakland Trattoria to get some good food to help us stay a bit buzzed before Midnight. We didn't want to get so trashed before the New year. hehe Well it was a good time. Some friends from the Port Washington area came down unexpectedly. It was great to see them and party with them for a time. It was a long night. I couldn't believe that we stayed open til 4am?!

Don't think the party stopped there. Some folks were doing shots and drinks before me moved the party elsewhere. Unfortunately many wanted to go to Victims.... I mean Victors. It was kinda interesting to see the inside of the place. It's bigger than I thought and actually kinda nice inside. The folks inside...OMGosh! Talk about a meat market, ick! Well we spent about 4 hours in there. It was a little interesting to watch the market it work but after awhile it was more irritating than fun. Some of us grab a cab and got the heck outta there.

Getting home at Noon was something else and I was so due for a nap!

In other good news: I got shit canned today and celebrated in my own special way - took a nap.

Have a great New Year everyone!!