Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Granted it's a few days after the new year but yeah I haven't had a chance to post. Been a bit busy with work and reading/cleaning up the apt.

New Year's was hanging at Planet Friday the 30th and then again on the 31st. It was great to start the drinking binge on the 29th. Kept the alcohol levels up for the three nights. That was pretty cool!

On New Year's Eve my friend Jen and I went to Oakland Trattoria to get some good food to help us stay a bit buzzed before Midnight. We didn't want to get so trashed before the New year. hehe Well it was a good time. Some friends from the Port Washington area came down unexpectedly. It was great to see them and party with them for a time. It was a long night. I couldn't believe that we stayed open til 4am?!

Don't think the party stopped there. Some folks were doing shots and drinks before me moved the party elsewhere. Unfortunately many wanted to go to Victims.... I mean Victors. It was kinda interesting to see the inside of the place. It's bigger than I thought and actually kinda nice inside. The folks inside...OMGosh! Talk about a meat market, ick! Well we spent about 4 hours in there. It was a little interesting to watch the market it work but after awhile it was more irritating than fun. Some of us grab a cab and got the heck outta there.

Getting home at Noon was something else and I was so due for a nap!

In other good news: I got shit canned today and celebrated in my own special way - took a nap.

Have a great New Year everyone!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know who got your job! BR

4:17 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Not a bad way to wring in the new year. I have done the Planet new years

8:49 AM  

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