Monday, December 15, 2008

Surgery is all set

For those that do not know or I have not told yet; here is the story. I have been dealing with lower abdominal pain since the beginning of October. It started as level 9 then stayed at a 6. In the last two and half months all kinds of tests were performed and percosets taken. The last test was a specialty shot that targeted the Uterus.

I have fibrod tumors in my uterus (I know, TMI) so the specialty shot targeted them and I was able to live pain free for a month. It was a beautiful month too! Thanks to everyone that has helped me do all my chores (laundry, trash, mail, and cleaning) and just lifting my sprits when I needed it. I will still need those lovely services during my 4 to 6 weeks of recovery too. SO if anyone wants to help, I am/will be very very grateful.

So I will be having a lovely time in the hospital starting the 19th. I will be in for three days then off to the grandparents place for a week. They are so willing to babysit me for that time. Don't worry to much, I'll be going deaf while I'm there as well as insane. :)

When I'm able to work and lift like a regular person again, I hope to have a big bash at my place. I will let you all know about the fun and details once I'm able to sit upright in front of a computer.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Winter is so here

It's been some time since I posted something so here is the latest and greatest news.

Well the summer was pretty interesting. Had some fun in IL for most of the summer. Learned some things about myself and about another person. Ended that fun around the end of September.

Right around that time, I started to experience some pain that was just unbelieveable, for me. The medical fun continues to this day. I'm hoping for surgery in the next week or two. I'll be staying in for up to 6 weeks and kinda look forward to the mini-vacation. I would get into this more but some folks are a bit squimish so if you want to know more details, just email me or post a question.

Saw this in email today. i think all executives will be having this on their desk after the holiday season.

Speaking of the Holiday season, may you all have a fun, peaceful holiday. For those that will be driving around town or out of town, drive carefully since friends and family love you no matter what time you get there; as long as you get there in one piece.

Here are the Milwaukee DOT camera's so you can check the roads from home in a flash.