Sunday, February 27, 2005

Things one must see

Received an email from the Pabst Theatre that George Carlin was going to be in town April 1st. Presale sale for tixs was supposed to be on Feb 29th. I know there is not a 29th this month for two reasons. Reason 1: several printed calendars that I have here in the apt do not have a 29th on them. Reason 2: it's not a leap year. Leap years happen on even years and since it's 2005, it won't happen. College helped me learn this one. hehe

Since the email I searched Ticketmaster for possible locations near Milwaukee to see one of the greatest comedians we have out there. He's playing in Appleton in March and Davenport, IA in April. If anyone else is willing to do the trips, let me know. Since both cities have the shows on a Friday it would be cool to hang out in either city for the weekend. If interested in hanging for the weekend, let me know.

Other fun notes: Peter Gray is moving down here very soon so that the gang will be altogether again. It's awesome. We got a few of us together Wednesday night at Bucas. Interesting place to have a tomato-based allergic person and Jewish person to have dinner. After a bit of trying to figure out what to eat, thanks to Waiken, we filled up pretty quickly and of course John had a cheese pizza. :) Some of us hit Champions after and ran into Foy there. It was good to see him again. Haven't seen him in ages.

Jen had a great time at Planet this last Friday. It was so good she doesn't remember the end of the night at the club, the ride home or anything she said after the third blue planet. So of course I teased her about it yesterday (Saturday) every chance I got. Next time you see her tell her she needs another Blue Planet. I'd like to give a salute to Brian the bartender. Love ya for making great strong drinks. ;)
A few of her friends got together for a B-day dinner at Tenuta's in Bayview. Only a few complaints about the night but the food was pretty great. It's a good place to take a date. It's a lot like Palmero Villa. The bar and few tables like when you walk into the place. Tenuta's is a lot like that but a bit bigger.

Saturday was also a morning of helping Mesa move from one place to another. It went pretty quickly which is always good. Al had plenty of help there. Two trips was all it took. Glad the heavy stuff was done before I got there. hehe Not a bad new place either. I kinda like the covered porch. Kool hardwood floors everywhere in the place.

Don't forget tonight the Oscars are on ABC @ 7pm. Tune in to see who will win the Best Picture from the Academy. I think having to choose which person gets Best Actor in a leading role is hard. Johnny Depp since he has played so many great characters and it seems he turning out to be the next Sean Penn in the Awards arena. Don Cheadle has also done great roles in several films and TV series/movies. I haven't seen all the movies that are nominated which I hope to change once the darn winter is over.

Have a good week and if it's not, have a few drinks for lunch. :D


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Yea... totally forgot the oscars were on TV until I turned on the news.

12:10 PM  

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