Saturday, February 05, 2005

Adventures so far

Friday night was fun. Didn't dance too much due to the knees but just relaxed and had a good time. Probably won't be there for another 2 or 3 weeks unless someone calls and feels like going.

Did the Food and Froth thing at the museum. Still love hitting the museum at night for any event. Well there were a ton of people there and just couldn't wait to tap into the beer. I couldn't believe the number of people that were there. I didn't expect the event to have so many. Recommend it highly to those that love beer and willing to try new brands and flavors.

I was hungry and eager to check out the food tables strewn around the museum. I thought there would be more food places represented but alias there was not. For those that do not like beer, me, there are the non-alcholoic choices - Root Beer! Mighty tasty ones too. Stone Creek had a nice one. One place had one that looked like beer. That was pretty cool in my book. I will have to try to attend next year if I'm in town.

Music was played by a varitey of groups within the museum. Sigmund was playing in one corner of the place. He's still a bit off but hey crazy people can be fun. He was tossing bags of chips into the crowd then sample packages of beef sticks from Klements. He was actually funny and not like a complete vulgar pig (unlike his stints at Summerfest).

The only part I didn't like was the first floor. People seemed to think that the museum was a bar. I know it was for the 3 hrs the event was going on but I guess some common sense should have been applied. For example get the hell out of the walking areas. Plenty of room for folks to move about and not interrupt ones conversations if you just move in closer to the exhibits. I don't think it's too much to ask. I was passing someone and I didn't say excuse me, nor do I believe I should have, of course she said excuse me in a snottiy tone. I just said "move close to the exhibit so I can get thru." I didn't even look at her so I don't know if she even heard me. Tough beans!

Before leaving for such a fun event, I noticed the S.A.G. awards were on. Found it a big odd that the big channels were not showing the awards and doing a big deal about what folks were wearing. Nothing too exciting happened before I left. When I returned home it was still ona nd they were still passing out awards. Of course I continued to watch. Best awards given in my opinion, Tony Shaloub for comedy actor and Jerry Orbach for an actor in a Drama series (I think). Either way, two fine actors won an award from their peers and truely deserve it.

I'm also tired of the Desperate Housewives noise. I think it's mostly publicity to get more viewers to MAKE the show popular. Also can we drop having Sex and the City actors at award shows. Their time is over and repeats shouldn't be looked at for possible awards now.

Speaking of shows.....Have you been watching: Medium on Monday nights, Lost on Wednesday nights Point Pleasant on Thursday nights and Johnny Zero on Friday nights?


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I have not watched any of those flicks.
I'm still down with Las Vegas (8pm monday NBC)
Law & Order (take your pick).
Thirsty Travler (Fine Living Network) the show's premace is: The Thirsty Traveler celebrates the essential spirit of each region we visit. Never one to shy away from any intriguing opportunity, The Thirsty Traveler dives headlong into the intimate relationship between local people he visits and their favorite alcoholic libations.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Travelchicka said...

Sounds like an interesting show and a great way to know of other places before visiting.

Johnny Zero is actually not bad. I think maybe it should be on an hour earlier. Same w/ Medium but what would I know, I'm just a part of the population that watches.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Tivo baby!
Watch it when ever you want.
Copy it to the laptop and bring it to work.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Dancing a few fridays?!

1:12 PM  

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