Sunday, January 30, 2005

Full moon can spin one's head

Full moon was the 25th but all kinds of strange things happened to me from Monday the 27th on.

Just a friend opened up that he digs me. Too bad he didn't say something earlier. Ah well.

On the other side of the coin, guy I thought was cute is now "free". I guess he's starting the new year as a single instead of being part of a duet. Sometimes it's good to go out on an off night.

Another dude mentioned he was slightly interested but I'm not so sure that one will get much attention from me. I guess some months ago he couldn't remember to call back or completely lost the number. So I don't have the time to respond to pats on the ass. When guys don't call back it's so annoying. Usually I'm pretty relaxed about it but don't "contact" me some months later and expect me to drop everything to be with you. Ugh!

I'll just be happy if neighbor ick leaves me alone for more than two days/nights. And folks wonder why I don't try to get to know my neighbors. It's more peaceful without them knocking on the door during my much needed nap time.

Oh my I'm whining quite a bit.
Anywho, question is: Favorite TV series of late? Mine: Lost. That Dominic Monaghan is just really great as Charlie. Matthew Fox isn't doing too bad either.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Is anywho really a word?

8:53 AM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I was always partial to a super soaker squad that knocks on the door and soaks who ever opens it.
That worked well in college too.
There are other things to do but I will not post them here.
The water in the garbage can is sweet too!

12:52 PM  
Blogger Travelchicka said...

That John can be such a trouble maker. LOL!

Anywho is terrible US slang. Deal with it.

Thanks Waiken for the kuddos on the johnvilles. Hope one or two of those work out for a few months. hehe

8:49 PM  

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