
Just looked at when I last posted something and I so need to be spanked. :D
I was surfing the web at work and noticed this little ditty on MSN's front page. So when and how was YOUR first kiss? I know we all have more than one first kiss, since I'm sure we've kissed our share of frogs. But is there one that moved you? shook you? melted every bone/flesh in your body? Spill the beans people! My best story is at the bottom of this post ;)
Here are a few things that have been happening over the last couple of months. 1. I love where I live - big time! It's quiet, there are no drugs in and outside of the building being used, sold or bought, no one knows when I'm home, no one knows when I've left and it's QUIET! No one is yelling down the hall around 10pm, no screaming in the hall cause they're fighting with the drunk guy four doors down, and no loud talkers - deaf not so old people.
2. The movie theatre near my apartment has might night movies. Does that rock or what?! Nov 9th and 10th is Creature from the Black Lagoon in 3D!! Nov 17th is Young Frankenstein (that's frank-in-steen to you). Nov 24th is The Goonies. Could it get much better?! It does - cost is only 6 bucks to get in, they have great buttered popcorn, and server booze! See it's so worth walking those 2 blocks to get there. Did I mention I walk two blocks to get there? Can you bet that?
3. Had an emergency root canal done about a month ago now. Two weeks before that I my wisdom tooth pulled. I've heard the jokes and yes, I'm more blonde now than I was before - haha. For part of September and most of October I wasn't talkin or going anywhere that I didn't have to. If you're feeling a bit blown off by me, it was cause of the mouth issues. I say enjoy the silence cause I'm walkin' and talkin' now. hehe
4. Still working at Waukesha County Court House. Lovin it. Doing SMS packaging. Never did that before coming here so it's something new and fun. Kinda hope I will be doing just that and not tech work. Yep, I like it more than fixing machines, go figure. I guess I'll have to change my searches on Yahoo and alike to look for jobs with opening for that type of work. I'm no pro or anything of an expert but I'm decent.
5. Read Stephen King's new book - Lisay's Story (cover above). It was confusing at first since it's not a straight out story telling type tale. Of course it was different like only Stephen King can be, not gory like some tales of murder.
6. Napped as much as possible. You know naps are good for you, right? They make kids do them in kindergarden I believe. Well they did when I was little, I think.
7. Oh yeah, I'm 39 now too. My bro is 38. They body does terrible things as we age, like it doesn't respond well to, well, almost anything you ask of it. Knees are creaking more, gray hairs multiply/breed faster than one remembers, and the memory goes caput at the drop of a hat.
8. Most importantly - my best friend Patty is pregnant! Congradulations Dan and Patty. She's due in Feb. Probably right around her birthday too. Can hardly wait. This is their first. Patty's already a proud Auntie so a mum shouldn't be all that difficult for her.
THEE KISS: My best and most memorable first kiss, was with a friend of mine. I can't give all the details since I haven't told him how much I LOVED that kiss. Here is some information. I surprise kissed him - I rarely ever do that and haven't since - by grabbing him and forcing my lips onto his. When he kissed back - man did everything melt. I mean I didn't know if anyone but us exsisted, time stood still and everything from head to toe ended up in a puddle in the curb. Dang that was some kiss. Now go on and post.