"Throw me a frickin bone here!"
Many of you that are regular readers, also live is this frozen tundra of a state. The temperatures around here the last four days have been beyond everyone's comfort level. Heck, Milwaukee even made it on Good Morning America this morning. Normal "warm" temperatures for me around this time of year would be around 50's. The last four days have been extremely under 50. It's been negative # with windchill numbers also in the extreme negative (like 40 below). This then makes it even colder outside and dangerous. As Dr. Evil said, "Throw me a frickin bone here!" I want warm weather. Yes I know I'm in the wrong state for temperatures to almost always be ABOVE 60 but I currently don't have any other option.
Enough whining about the temps. Now on to more exciting news. I had planned to go to the Zoo's Wine tasting but it sold out quite early as a matter of fact. Too bad but it's a good thing too. It's good for the Zoo.
Friday night is out with all kinds of folks. It'll start with Epic Movie with a co-worker, I'll move to eats with some friends that will be in town-at Cafe LuLu's, then move on to Planet for some decent boogieing. Now of course if it's really frickin cold, I'm going no where. Cold sucks!
Saturday should keep me outta trouble for some time too. Helping the g-folks again. Can't wait for them to move so they can not be "on the way home". Not like they are now but for some reason they think they are. I love how they complain that they are so tired from all the packing but it's their own fault due to the fact they have so much crap. They get a two bedroom apt so they can store their excess crap. A lot of the stuff is nothing that the rest of the family wants. We've tried to get them to get rid of it-mostly due to the whole packing aspect-but they are stuck on keeping the items; feeling that they are collector items, we'll change our minds or some other excuse. Remember it's only as valuable as someone's willing to pay for it.
For the evening entertainment - shows are doing the second half of their season now. Lost starts tomorrow night so don't call me. :) Bones and Prison Break started up in the middle to end of January. Oh my Monday and Wednesday nights are full of eye candy heaven ;)
Have a fun weekend ya'll and see ya around the water cooler.