It's been busy, go figure
The G-folks have kept me busy for the last two weeks with their being sick and not taking care of themselves. First it was the g-mom in the hospital, g-dad getting sick as well, they had to take him to the hospital everyday so he could tease, wryle up the g-mom, and complain about not sleeping. He couldn't sleep without someone else in the bed. So about the next to last night of g-mom in the hospital, g-dad slept here on the couch. Wasn't too bad since we were both so tired that night. Once they were home, I thought I was off the hook. I guessed wrong. The following Monday there was car trouble. So I had to spend the entire day with them again.
That day was not good. They hadn't eatin in like 15 hours. For diabetics it's not cool. The g-dad likes to argue when he's not feeling well. Another not good thing when one hasn't eatin in a long time. So I get the g-mom to the doc so she can get her blood work done. They give her apple juice and can't figure out how she made it that long without some trouble. I then call the g-dad to let him know we are done and he says he had trouble signing his name. Told him to get some juice from someone there at the dealership. He said hurry up and bring the juice. Ok that's a bit irrational since I don't care that stuff on me.
I've been on the go ever since. Getting up early and running around sucks. Maybe I was ok with it when I was working but now that I'm in chill mode 24X7, it's not that much fun. I like not having to go out unless I want to - like lunches with friends, chiro appts, and shopping sprees.
Well It's off to file my weekly claim. Have fun folks. :)

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