Sunday, May 01, 2005

Thanks everyone!

Thanks to those that attended the anniversary dinner! It was great fun, good company and fun tasty food. :) The dinner was at Pizza Man with John, Lisa and Adam. I headed to Planet after that to work a bit for my friend Jen. I get there and I really didn't have to work, she showed up. How cool for me. It was awesome that I was able to keep my pre-dinner buzz going until I got home.

Got up pretty early on Sat. Early for me is before 10am. Now my babies look really really cute and don't have all that hair to deal with in what WI calls Spring. I'll be sharing pics once I take some and download it from the new PalmOne Treo phone.

Have I mentioned how much I love this new phone. I think I like the full keyboard that I have with it, the fun texting folks pretty much all day, the built-in camera, the speaker phone capabilities, and the available downloadable free games. I haven't had a chance to download to many utilities just yet. Trying to make sure that I have a handle on what I have so far. I also can't believe how many games, utilities and features there are out there for purchase as well. Should have known, Folks have to capitalized on something and make money from it.

Oh have I mentioned my new boss is very cool. He and I pretty much see eye to eye on what is best for the Lab Not to mention he thinks I'm cool. He likes that I'm honest direct and pretty driven. Hmmmm I like this type of boss. Wonder why it has taken so long for our director to get a capable person to lead many of us in the ways of working together.

Your Birthdate: September XX
With a birthday on the XXth of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas, and you are also very good at organization and systematizing.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.

You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine, and rebel against it.
You have a tendency to shirk responsibility.

I think I have to agree with the above. Especially with the itchy feet and needing to travel. :)

OK, it's way over the time for a nap. Question: Pick an ultimate Movie-star boss? (I'm thinking along the lines of a decent director - Ridley Scott, George Lucas, or Al Pacino.)


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Hmmm..the bday link is not working so well.

Hmm.. ultimate movie boss..

Has to be KEVIN SMITH!

8:07 AM  
Blogger Travelchicka said...

Fixed the link, thanks.
Intesting boss pick.

I think I would like him as well but my pick would be....Quentin Tarantino.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Born on the 24th, you have a greater capacity for responsibility and helping others than your may have realized.
You may also become the mediator and peacemaker in inharmonious situations.
Devoted to family, you tend to manage and protect.

This birth date adds to the emotional nature and perhaps to the sensitivities.
Affections are important to you; both the giving and the receiving.

Quentin is very cool but I think that working for him would be very crazy too

7:11 AM  

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