Saturday, April 16, 2005

It's been awhile, so I'm sorry

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything but nothing exciting has been going on.

Caught the cold bug that has been going around. I can give thanks to my co-worker idiot for getting that. I still have it but it's not as bad as it once was. I was off work for two days due to the chills and fever that comes with it. Damn cold. I warned him that if he's sick again he better take off or pump up on herbal supplements. I really can't afford to be off work. It just triples what i have to do in a day. Not like he's any help.

I also had a funeral to attend Saturday the 9th. My Ex-Mom-in-law died. I was extremely happy that my Ex and I keep in touch about our families. I got to see her the Friday before her death. It was sad none-the-less. That took a lot of energy and strength out of me. I wasn't able to make John's party he was having for Lisa. Hope all had a great time and that Lisa didn't mind turning a year older. So are you now 25? hehe

I haven't been doing too much otherwise. Eating a bit more fruit and exercising a bit.

Other good news? Princess from work finally got fired. Hell I have no idea how in the world one can break some cardinal rules and still be employed. Not sure of the complete story since it seems it's still unfolding.
I guess I will be getting a new manager soon. I will know for sure in a week or so. We've had others accept before but never make it to the doorway.

I've had a few call me about the floating white paper so we'll see if I get something in SoCal this summer.

That's all I have my friends. Keep surfing and having fun.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Lisa turned 24 last week.

We missed you in San Diego this past weekend too.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Travelchicka said...

Oh. I forgot she was the very youngin' of the group. hehe Sorry Lisa!

I'm jealous from all the pics you have. I can't wait to live there to enjoy the mighty fine weather.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

U thinkin of LA or San Diego or where out there?

10:22 AM  
Blogger Travelchicka said...

Thinkin of southern cal. depends on where the job is.

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so I hear tom got dawn pregnant

4:02 AM  

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