Friday, October 29, 2004

Hunchback of Notre Dame

The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty - not knowing what comes next. -Isn’t that great!

I can honestly say I did not come up w/ that one. Sci-Fi email gave it to me.

Hit the ballet tonight after doing a half-day of work. I went in the afternoon thinking, mistakenly, that I wouldn't have to talk so much. Doing ok until the last hour or so. Some folks have a lot of questions on their mind or it could be to hear the Kathleen Turner type voice I have going on. Not sure which one it is but a sore throat is not a fun thing to have. Like sandpaper rubbing on your inner thighs.

News flash: Brad Sherwood & Colin Mochrie stars of: Whose Line is it Anyway?! Are coming to the Pabst Theatre Jan 30th. Oh that should be damn funny.

Anyway, ballet per usual, was awesome! There were three acts. First one wasn't too bad. Many folks, including myself, did not read what was in the program book for the story that was to unfold in front of us. So during the first intermission I read it over.

We are introduced to Gringoire the poet whom is not pleasing the crowd at the Feast of Fools. Quasimodo wins the most ugly face contest and crowned as the Pope of Fools. Lovely gypsy Esmeralda dances around the flickering light of a giant bonfire. mmmmmm bonfire. Oops got carried away there, sorry. Anyway, Archdeacon Frollo condemns the gypsy girl and Quasimodo is dismissed in front of all.

Esmeralda is following thru the streets by creepy Gringoire as she makes her way home. Next day, Frollo tries to incite Quasimodo to abduct Esmeralda but handsome (not in this case) Phoebus, Captain of the Guard, rescues her. Phoebus captivates Esmeralda. They do a duet of cat and mouse until they come together in agreement of their mutual attraction.

Gringoire (more handsome than Phoebus this night) stumbles onto the Court of Miracles, home to the fun party crowd, and is about to be hung when Esmeralda saves his life by agreeing to marry him. He realizes it's to be a marriage in name only. Sucks to be him! Of course, this hurts him since he finds her so beautiful.

Next morning, Quasimodo pays for attack on Esmeralda in the town square. Whipped several times by a wet several strand cat o'nine tails whip. Esmeralda brings him water to ease his suffering once the whipping was complete. ** Intermission **

Until tomorrow my audience.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Fire is cool!

12:34 PM  
Blogger Travelchicka said...

'Specially since it was a real fire and not some fake flame paper dealo coming out of the logs.

6:17 PM  

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