Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Sorry 'bout that

Had no idea it was set so only registered users could log comments. Changed it now. Thanks for the call Geo.

Hey only a few days left to figure out what candidate to select for President and congressperson. Please research each one to make an informative VOTE.

Check out this new Nick Cage movie! Commercial seemed interesting enough for me to check it out. :D

Last trip details are: Trip to Las Vegas! Whom: Johnny Mack and Waiken. Check out their sites for the great pics. John is great for posting all my pics. Thxs!! :)

Another fun notes: The Milwaukee Ballet is having The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Check the site then check it out start the 28th. I'm there opening night! Kan't wait! hehe Also check out the Artists on the site as well.
Might be checking out this exhibit at the Art Museum . I love pics so it figures that I would go check this out. This is what is happening at the museum tomorrow night. Can you image an International Film Festival here in Milwaukee?! I'll probably hit the museum next month for this Film and Ornaments .

OK I'm beat tired, long day and tired of dealing with a bunch of idiots at work. They have been there for over three years and still can't do the job that they have had for that time. Then they have the nerve to assign me the ticket. Yeah that makes me SOOO happy. You bet I said something to them if not to their lead person. Fuck if I'm gonna do their work when I have a ton of shit to do myself. Alright I'm off that terrible subject.

Good news: My cute little niece is having some kind of school concert on Friday night from like 630 to I don't know when. Everyone is more than welcomed to come. Just give me a holler on the cell phone.

Nite all.


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