An update

Well here's to the continuing sage of this double crazy girl's life.
Here's to thinking of others.
Returned on Saturday from a pretty relaxing week upnorth. I was in a remote cabin near Rhinelander. It was relaxing considering that I was with my grandfolks and mom. Mom got sick early in the week. Found out yesterday (Monday) that she actually got bronchitis.
Had some fun shopping in a couple of the towns around the area. Found out it's not that far from Crandon, a friends place up there. Cool. It the Candy shop in Eagle River but now I can't find the candy I bought. :(
There were a couple of days where I didn't leave the cabin. Had great naps those days. Did some fishing off the pier on a couple of early evenings. Didn't catch anything to keep those days. Pop did catch a nice small mouth bass. I actually have a picture of it on the phone but didn't download it yet. Not sure if it's clear or not either.
Now for the continuation of the Disney story. Tuesday was Epcot day. YEAH!!
It's my favorite place and could spend literally two to three days there checking out every country and some of the other stuff that is there. As you can see from the picture above, they too decorated the Epcot ball for the birthday celebration. Yeah that's my cute niece and nephew posing for the shot.
Bro and I wanted to try that Test Track but the lines were ungodly long. We knew we would be back another night but heck if we were gonna wait two hours. We also didn't want to do the timed entry since we wanted to hit the different countries this day.
Before hitting the countries, some lovely characters stopped by and the kids (yes all of us) were taking pictures with some of them. Goofy and Pluto were around and pop took a picture with them. He also got a picture with Daisy and Daffy Duck.
First country we went to visit, Mexico. I love the inside of this place. Bro got a great shot of it with his digital camera. Would post but it wouldn't be where I want it. Boat ride was nice and colorful. It's kinda nice going to all these rides with Handicap folks. They have boats equipped to carry a wheelchair and whomever is with them. After a couple rides we had the process downpat.
Norway was next. It was also on our way to our lunch surprise for cute Keera. They also have a boat ride and surprisingly it was very cool inside, tempature-wise at least. Keera got a bit scared when one of the Polar bears was eating something else or some animal was being mean to another. It was so cute when said that after the ride.
On with Lunch. It was scheduled for 12:30pm or something like that but I guess it was taking longer than usual. We pretty much had no choice but to wait outside for them to call us. While we waited it was a shopping opportunity. We hit the Norway store and looked around for a few trinkets. The rest of the family hit up the kringle shop. We all had a little snack for lunch.
Lunch was actually at the Princess Storybook Dining restaurant. Didn't know we would have a great meal and it wasn't all that expensive. Bro and I split the cost. We had no idea it was covered under our meal plan that we had already paid for. Oh well. Best part was seeing Keera with 5 of the 6 princesses. She hugged each one and posed for pictures. She was so adorable. Dad had to get a picture with Princess Jasmine. She was looking pretty damn hot.
Next country - China. They didn't' haven't a ride but did have a 360 - Imax like film showing off the country. We didn't check that out since we just ate. We did do some serious looking around in their very long and vast shop. I picked up a little Chococat wallet for Jen. I knew she needed another one and that she was into Chococat. Picked up another pearl for me. I love those Oyster pick pearl things. I get anywhere from Champagne to a lite white colored pearl AND they are always over 7mm's. Pretty soon I'll have enough for a necklace I want to design.
Germany didn't have a ride but that didn't stop us from taking a peak thru their shops. I didn't pick up too much here but love looking at what they have to represent their country.
America. In the past they had what was called the Hall of Presidents. It was pretty neat to have animated figures move and talk. Well they have severally upgraded this show. It's darn cool how they have the different phases of history represented. Kids found it kinda neat but the big kids..... well let's just say it's impressive.
By now it was getting near early to mid evening. Japan was our near the end for the night country. We thought we would walk around here and just wait for some pretty awesome fireworks. The cart riders found a pretty nice spot near the big pond in the middle where viewing is pretty decent.
Fireworks in the Illumations pool were very awesome. The earth globe that they have digital pictures on and splits open for fireworks is breath-taking. Some of the buildings are lite during this show and it makes for a terrific background. I suggest that you catch this light display whenever you can. It is the best show on the Earth - literally.
Last country of the night - Morocco. We didn't spend a whole lot of time here, mostly due to the hour of the night already. They had beautiful artwork and buildings. I like visiting just for the sake of looking at the possible design of it all. Nothing like a little escape before going back to reality.
Now it's near midnight and we tiredly head back to the buses to get back to our resort. We hit some shops on the way out but don't buy too much since we are already tired and loaded down.
That is all folks. Until the next time. Have a Mickey Mouse day!
That sounds so naughty...hehe
tom has climati - you better get checked tina.
Well, I guess I better get checked since a reliable source told me some great terrible news.
btw anonymous it's: Chlamydia
Maybe you should look it up first.
i was in hurry and yes, you should get checked because he gave it to me.
by the way, I was trying to be nice to let you know, but I guess being a bitch comes natural to you.
i guess you must like having a disease and do you honestly think Tom would tell you.
You are really stupid
nothing a shot can't cure. just ask any rockstar.
tina has Chlamydia and among other things and she likes to hide between houses with her fat ass
To Skinny/anonymous/Maribeth Tong:
Thanks for the major concern of me getting some STD. However, I don't feel it's genuine since you've done nothing but harasses me on my website and email.
Oh from my grandfolks, they really appreciated the 6am phone call this morning.
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