Ah Spring is here or is that Summer?

It's a warm Sunday and I'm indoors, resting. :)
It's been a bit over a month so time for an update of sorts. This weekend wasn't too bad but packed for me. Friday night was Opera, Saturday was massage and going out for drinks with some of the girls from high school and Sunday was just going to be rest/packing/laundry.
The opera was awesome! The Barber of Seville was the last in a series. Loved how the character Figaro was portrayed. The actor/singer had a strong and quite the baritone voice. The Count was played out well but I could hardly hear the singer. I wasn't in the top balcony; I was in the M row which isn't too far from the stage. Rosina the woman in the middle of all this was decent. I love a good soprano voice like the next person but she wasn't all that great to look at nor hear. She was too skinny to be believeable as a love interest for the Count. I feel if she gained like 20 to 30 pounds her protruding collar bones wouldn't be so much of a distraction and it might actually improve her voice. Make it stronger actually. At one point it was as if she was screetching. I know mezzo soprano isn't supposed to hit the top high notes but dang! Any trained singer will know how to bring it down to their top note. I guess overall Figaro was the one that brought it all together and made it worth watching/listening.
I'm not sure why Saturday started at 6am but there it is. Up and wide awake. Kids were excited by that fact. Of course after an hour they were back in bed. I figured I might as well put the time to it's best use. Had a few things to eat so I wouldn't get too hungry around massage time. At 8am I was in the laundry room putting the favorite blankets in the washer. Change the bedding then moved on to other things that need to get done. Yes it's true, I'm looking to move out of my slum of an apartment bldg. Now they are renting to folks that have little kids and I found out - they allow dogs. I'm not one for too much exposure to little kids or yippie dogs but to have both living next door to me; is a major recipe for murder. Everyone keep your bond money near cause I might be calling ya in the next couple of weeks. So to help me get more prepared for moving out, I decided to pack up all the glass shelves so that they are padded to my satisfaction instead of done in a hurry. Doing all that - laundry and packing - took up most of the day. I was very surprised.
Massage was pretty good. Went to Apple a Day Spa since that is were I went last year for a relaxing massage. I wasn't able to get the same person since he had left some time ago. Jay was my massager for the hour. By the way, the spa moved down the street to a bigger area. It doesn't have all that great parking but then again it didn't before either. Still a relaxing place to go so check out the website above.
Headed out around 8pm to meet up with one of the girls from high school. Looks like the other two girls couldn't make it then again my friend Patty and I are about the only ones without children. We had a great time just catching up and chatting about nothing. A few drinks in us and a pizza split between the two of us. How could anything not go great? I ended the night around 1130. Hey I did pretty good considering that I didn't take a nap all day. Got a call from Jen as I was headed home. Her future hubby was taking the train home from IL and it broke down. I offered to pick him up but by the time I called, the bus showed up. Ah now it's just time to get home right before midnight and hit the all waiting comfy bed.
If anyone knows of a duplex available for rent in the following areas, please let me know. West Allis, Wauwatosa, or Washington Heights area. I'm sure there a few other areas I just can't think of any right now.
What I have I been doing all winter long or in my spare time? I have been doing LOST puzzles. The picture to the far left is the 4th one in the series. I now have them all glued and just need a blue light to have the back viewable. There is supposed to be some hidden message on the back of the puzzles to reveal some super secret this season. There are only 3 episodes left to this season finale and it's getting better and better every time. You should just check it out. You might just get hooked on being on a dessert island. hehe
The other picture is the inside of my car. It's so beautiful all light up at night. I thought I would share the prettiness before signing off.
Enjoy the warm weather everyone!
i had no idea that Apple a Day moved. Hope the new place is good!
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